Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Feel Good Tuesday

File:So happy smiling cat.jpgOne of my quilt guilds has called me once again asking if I would serve as an officer next year.  They call me each year and ask, and there is always something that happens that I know I won't have the time.  Like last year I was embroiled in my mother's health.  (She is still here, by the way, 78 lbs and turning blue weekly, but still here.)

This year I have already committee to a new group forming in the area to be in their officer slot.

But it made me feel good to be asked.

What are you feeling good about right now?


  1. I am feeling good I almost have the Elmo quilt done.

  2. I'm feeling good because I have finished six more blocks for Fractured Quilt Along today!


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