Monday, October 7, 2013

Make a Good Impression With Your Butt

I went to Purple Cow and picked up three great fantastic deals.  Three pairs of jeans.  One pair Coldwater Creek red , one Gloria Vanderbuilt purple and one Randazzo distressed cigarette leg jeans that look fabulous on my legs.  Ok, the blocks on the quilt are LARGE blocks, all right?

The whole total was $15.00.  Can you believe that???

I was so happy!  But all three pairs needed some redesign in the waist area.  I guess that I must have a skinnier waist than I thought.  (That is a really good thing!)

I can't take credit for this, I did read it on the internet somewhere.  But it works beautifully.

I got some one inch wide black elastic because th red and purple pairs are dark.  And instead of opening the seam and all that, I put the elastic in the waistband directly in the middle back.

I cut the elastic about 8 inches long.  Stretched it as I sewed and broke one needle when I hit the mid seam.  So be careful, especially if you don't have a powerful machine.  Mine is a heavy hitter and went through the denim double and quadruple layers easily.  Sew slowly if you are having problems and wear safety glasses or some covering for your eyes if that needle flies!

this is what it looks like on the outside if you use the right color thread.  choose the thread carefully and you will make a good impression with your butt even without a glove stuck to it.

The red and purple were done that way, but the cigarette pants got a different treatment.  I opened the back seam from the crotch up to the waistband.  Then I slit the waistband at the mid seam.  It was not easy to pick out the stitches, but I persevered!

Once it was open,I put the pants on inside out.  Since there was no one around to assist I stabbed myself a couple of times while I pinned the seam as best I could.  Once off, I straightened out the seam and ran a basting stitch on the place I thought the new seam would go.

When I determined it would be a good place to sew, I re-stitched the seam and ran a zigzag next to it in the seam allowance.  I don't have a serger, but that would work as well.

Again, having a powerhouse machine made it easy to run up the seams and match all the doubled seams I had to go over.

Now I have three pairs of jeans that fit so much better!

For cheap!


  1. 2 days and no blog post? you must be out satcheting around in your sexy new red jeans:-)
    (or a basset ate your sexy new jeans and you are out finding him a new home)


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