Sunday, November 3, 2013

More Houston Quilts

This was one of my favorites! The bones stick out over the sides of the piece

 Buildings, I do so love buildings

 Lots of supersized flowers

 Building Love!

 Love the color, or lack thereof

 This lady won $10,000 for her incredible book


  1. What did she make those bones out of? Very cool

  2. I'm actually the maker of the dinosaur quilt, thanks so much for sharing it! I'm so happy you like it! It's one of my favorite pieces. I did an interview with the Quilt Alliance about it while I was at IQF which should eventually be on youtube. In the meanwhile, anyone who wants to know more about my dinosaurs, you can check out about a million posts about it on my blog at, tag Seymour (the name of the dinosaur).


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