Monday, March 24, 2014

And My Headstone Shall Read.......

She told Them She Was Sick!

Yes, dear readers, when Frank suggested we ride the bikes to Dairy  Queen and get a chocolate shake, I said no.  He should have known at that point I was really sick.

When Frank wanted to go walk around the mall and buy something for spring, I said no.  He should have known that I wouldn't pass up a chance to spend money.

When Frank wanted to get beignets and coffee on Sunday morning, I said no.  He should have known that I wouldn't have passed up a chance to get my New Orleans fix.

I was sick.  To prove to him I was sick my wonderful doc sent me for a chest xray this afternoon.  He hasn't called yet to let me know if I need a change in meds or not. 

But Frank will never admit it.  He should have known I was sick, he just didn't pay attention!

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