Tracy was nice enough to take a photo of my Matisse Lady hanging at the GSQA Show. GSQA is Gulf States Quilting Association and is pretty big. It is all over the southern states that touch the Gulf of Mexico. I am not sure about Florida............yes, Florida is included.
And best of all, Tracy got an Honorable Mention with the crawfish! I am so happy for her. She deserved to win First Place, it is that nice.
While she was there, she took a picture of the Matisse Lady hanging .
Thanks, and congratulations to you Tracy!
I am taking a class with an incredble designer and quilter, Michael Young. I am so lucky to be able to know him personally. He has a new Diamond pattern class that I have been dying to take. Every time it is scheduled, I am out of town! So swore I would be there come pneumonia or high water.
I need a really great name for this one. I love There Ain't No Man Worth the Salt of My Tears. Edgy. Pig the Cyclist is just not right. I have several others I think might do, but I need to experience the quilt first. You know, sometimes they name themselves.
Like dogs. DiNozzo knew. And so did Dutch. Bonnie Doon was perfect for her. But Max should have been My Shadow. Sometimes I don't get it totally correct!
Yes, I think your Matisse is very awesome and when you are gone, the masses shall view it and praise it; and Carrie will be told how very valuable it is.... it may take that long for the masses to appreciate a wonderful art quilt! :) Have a great day learning from Michael Young! I am going to take his class sometime soon, I hope! Thanks for the kind words regarding my award! Good times.
So you have pneumonia? I hope you have the right meds now and get well quick! Does Michael Young have a website or a blog? I would like to see some of his work. Have a good time at his class!