Monday, July 7, 2014

Another installment of the Louisiana Traveling Quilts

I am doiing my hospital pre-admit this morning so here is what I worked on last night.

is Becky's Polka Dot Love.  I thought at first to do words, but I rememered that someone didn't like words on quillts and couldn't figure out who -- so I ditched that idea.  It may happen on a later run.

I thought and thought and thought.  I got out seveeral Modern Quilt Books and looked at spossibilities.  I even started a few and ditched them.

I was begnning to think I wasn't going to feel it.

Then it hit me.  Top and bottom to accent her starting block.  It doesn't have to be in the middle middle, but the way the other blockks were shaping up, kinda made it work!

I think I slammed it!


  1. Isn't is great when the lightbulb goes on? I think patience paid off. Love accents you've added.

  2. I am trying to catch up from being away from the computer since last Thursday. What are all the lanyards for? Love the tea wallets! Didn't know you were sewing on a button challenged! The house looks fantastic! The traveling quilts are coming along. All my best to you with your surgery. I am sensitive to nickel too!


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