Each of the four members who went to the Houston Show brought their incredible purchases to show. Michael loves the silks and kimono linens. He finds incredible pieces that no one else can. His incredible sense of fabric and color and design have opened a new world of fabric creation for him. It will be an amazing journey.
After I got home from the meeting, I spent about an hour cutting out groups of scraps for the arcs of a new scrappy quilt. I am excited about this new quilt, I can't wait to start working on it.......this afternoon maybe.........like I have NOTHING else to do! I will post this afternoon about my process.
Mary brought me some bolts of black and grey. This is my thought process. It is November. My Stash numbers are already blown to smithereens in the wrong direction. The numbers will reset in January to ZERO. Zip. Goose Egg.
So why not get it all in now!
So I did!
I have some kimono fabric that I bought at an auction. It is still on the round cardboard bolts. I will have to take a picture of it and send it to you. I think there are about 9 yards in two pieces. Some bolts of black and gray? How many yards are we talking about? I don't think it is a bad idea to stock up for the winter!