Friday, March 13, 2015

Skateboard Quilts - Redux

This has been a lazy morning.  Frank did not leave until about 10:45 AM so it seems that morning is gone.  I have been watching the news and it is all about Ferguson MO.  I  think we need to put a quilt guild in Ferguson, you won't have time to protest when you have quilts to get done!  LOL.

Frank keeps calling these race cars
You know, quilting might just solve all the world's problems.  I know I don't feel very militant when I am sewing and slicing up fabrics.  But sometimes I feel radical and change the pattern up a bit!

I need to put the second Skateboard Quilt on the frame.  I like the quilting on the other one so much I am thinking to quilt it the same way.  Krista said to find a pattern you like and perfect it.  She uses only about 4 or 5 patterns rather than trying to master a lot of them. 

Three Skateboards needs to be trimmed a bit to see if it hangs better.  I think the problem is that I need to make the long sides straighter.   You can see where the sides doesn't look straight on the bottom half.

I need a larger area than I have to trim long straight lines.  I was joking with a fellow blogger that this could my entry for next year's QuiltCon!


1 comment:

  1. For QuiltCon, you wouldn't even have to bother squaring it up or making it hang flat ;-) ... kidding.


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