Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Change For the Better

I have been ignoring my piece I don't like and Leanna has been bringing me back to reality!  But she is right in all she says.  It was a piece not well thought out, and done in a hurry.

And was too cluttered.  So I looked at it again with more critical, but not loving, eyes.

And decided to dump some o the shells and rocks.  I actually like it better now.

I had wanted to find some old patterns at the resale shop, and add them to the piece.  I just was not able to get out to do that.  Maybe tomorrow I can head out and see what happens after that.

It looks like flotsam and jetsam......

I don't have more time today to work on it, I need to get dinner going so I can leave for my meeting!


  1. I don't feel any love coming from that piece or going to that piece especially not from me. But that said, I do like the rusted area with the circles.

  2. I am sorry you are havng such a struggle with this piece What if you would take off the shells and rocks, cut the piece into four sections, rearrange them, sew them back together, and then sew the shells and rocks back on? Bad idea?


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