Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Who Hoo!

I just got the news that a piece I have been working on for over a year has been accepted into Houston's Premier Show!

I have to leave for an appointment right now, but I am sooo excited.  Here is the finish!

Whoo Hoo!  I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!  You know I love the nudes, and with so many f the quilts that hang photography has become the norm.  So I combined them!

I call it Nude in Lincoln Center!

salvador dali paintings


  1. Can't wait to hear all the details! Congratulations on getting into the show. The quilt looks fabulous. I will definitely take a photo of it when I go to Houston! Congrats!!!!

  2. It's fantastic! Congratulations.

    1. Doh! You got me ... even though I thought it was way too early for anyone to hear their quilt had been accepted for Houston.

  3. Super great happy and proud of you.


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