Saturday, May 30, 2015

You Will Be Glad To Know.......

I know you couldn't wait to see what shower curtain I chose.

And this is how you hang  it.

First you make some holes.

Hang the won't stay like that.  do any of you have a curved L-shaped rod?

And then you screw it into the wall.

 And put the other side up.  Gotta have two sides to everything!

THEN you hang the curtain.   DiNozzo is underfoot with everything I do.

However, the peachy hooks will not stay.  I will get some silver ones........well, you know, not REAL silver. Wouldn't that be decadent!

 I went to BBB - that is Bed Bath and Beyond and chose a teal rug to match the ewer.  See, in spite of Frank thinking he totally hated the color and that I had lost my mind, it actually looks good.

 And I got a couple of hand towels to hang in the ante-room.   As a bonus, it brings out the colors in the Iguana! 

Now I need to make a teal hanging.  Furniture is the theme for the next Fiber Art Group Challenge, so I guess I need a teal chair!  Or chest of drawers.

And to save you from making a quilt that screams the Devil, here are the offending tiles.


  1. I can't wait to see the bathroom in person. I so miss you, the dogs, and Frank.

  2. That's a beautiful design... what do men know anyway.
    That rug looks so comfy - BBB you say.

  3. The bathroom looks great! I guess some research is needed to find out why that fellow said the medallion is the devil. It looks ok to me!


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