Thursday, June 23, 2016

Cool Triangles

My work at the Quilt Haus today included the putting together of these cuties.

I am debating if it needs another row.  I think it does.  But I can also put on a border of of that grey, or a beige.

I am leaning toward a border and no more rows.  But then I like the additional row and no borers


Oh, happy, I need to look in my list of quilt names and come up wth a great one!

And......Jason tonight!


  1. Whether to add or not add is sometimes a hard decision to make. Often I just let the wip sit for a day or more while I peek at it from time to time. It's looking great and reminds me of mountains against the sky.

  2. Yes! Mountains - I vote for another row, no border

  3. Love the colors! Reminds me of late spring early summer! You didn't say if this was a quilt top or a part for another quilt. To me, if you were going to add another row it would be to the width so it was 6 blocks long and 5 blocks wide. You will figure it out!

  4. I, too, think it needs to be wider. No border.


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