Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Remember Me Guild Meeting Last Night

President Harriet asked the flood victims of the group to stand.  We knew who we were, and we looked around, not sure we wanted to be singled out in such a elite group.

As we slowly rose, our neighbor handed us a bag.  Harriet said, this is the beginning of coming back.  I cried.

Before - closed
Two guild members also brought me hoodies for the Bad Basset Boyz.  Their hoodies were on top of the refrigerator and overturned into the water. I don't even know where they are now.

Don't you know........I  cried!  Such simple things, a piece of fabric here, a seam there; a rotary cutter, pins and a ruler.  It means so much, symbols of what was so normal.

As for the house, there has been a lot of progress.

Fireplace - installation date moved up to October 5
After - open

Walls - drywall is installed where it can be (not the MBR shower, guest tub, kitchen wall, and laundry room fireplace hole) and the texture has been applied

Paint - to be delivered today!

Popcorn - to be taken off the ceiling today or tomorrow

Garbage disposal - Amazon Smile delivered it yesterday!

The sun is out again today.  And there are a few puffy clouds in the sky, certainly not rain clouds.   This will be two straight days without rain, the only two since the flood 6 weeks ago now.

Still no resolution on the check, and still no estimate on the antiques, which I need  in order to put the contents list in to the adjuster.

Still so much to do. 


  1. Dear friends make such a difference in bad times. It is nice for even acquaintances to do something nice, but the hoodies for the dogs and all the sewing stuff that you had, but don't have now that costs a fortune. The beginnings of your new journey - a step, not your first, but still early on and you have people walking beside you and know that they will help lift you up. You really have it all.

  2. hello sweetie. Happy tears. Connection tears. I still haven't mailed my box of trinkets to you yet.

  3. How sweet. I am so glad to see things coming back together again. Does frank give input on paint colors etc or is it all up to you.


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