Sunday, August 27, 2017

AC Replacement at CAAWS Shelter

Today was the day scheduled to replace the two AC/Heating units and the outside condensers at the CAAWS Shelter.  I got there at 6:03 AM and they were there waiting for me.  It is 4 PM now and the evening shift is just about to come in.  I will have gone through two shifts today.

The Dog Room units are in and running.  They are working on the Cat Room units now.  We are lucky the day has been overcast and not  lost to 100 degrees like it has been.  The Cat Shift opened the door and blockaded the doorway so we could get a draft between the two rooms.   They only took one unit off line at a time.  But the cool air was a meager offering still.

He just told me they have about an hour and a half to go.  They had the worst of the heat in the attic.  All three of them have been soaked with sweat.  Which means their t-shirts are sticking to their big muscley arms.....but I digress.

It is finally getting cool again.

I got the binding on leaves finished while I sat here.  I am wishing I was home sewing away on my Improv Stripes.

Despite my irrational fears, we have had not much rain.  I would say less than a quarter inch all day today.  We are predicted to get more tomorrow, but not anywhere an amount to what is happening even an hour away from here.

And, in a nasty turn of events, the donut box that held a dozen donuts this morning now holds four. Don't judge until you sat all day in a shelter full of adorable dogs, waiting and being hot.


  1. My weakness isn't donuts, but I can definitely understand. Thanks for being a person that does good things. The world is better because of you.

  2. I wish there were more people like you helping these lost animals. You deserve a whole box of donuts!

    I'm glad you didn't get the hurricane but oh my! Those poor people and of course I worry about the animals. It's just horrible.

  3. I get stressed - I eat. Your stressed so just eat better all next week and you will be fine. The animals in the CAAWS shelter are now comfortable with the installation of the new HVAC system.


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