Wednesday, October 25, 2017


I guess I need a better name than just Black Squares.  Although that is what it is!

 It has a bit of zebra.

Front and back.

Lap sized.

The temps were in the mid 50s this morning, but the sun is bright and clear.  These two were cuddled
up together in the flower bed, taking advantage of body heat and sun!


  1. For some reason it reminds me of a wall of tv's all set at different channels. Cool!

  2. What a pretty quilt! I like the black/white theme. So often people add a color, but this one proves that b/w can work beautifully on their own. Definitely they need to plop in a sunny place with these early mornings. The temps did make for a comfortable walk though.

  3. If you like the tv theme, what about "Stay Tuned"? Congratulations on a lovely finish. The zebras are a fun addition.


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