Sunday, January 21, 2018

Dying From This Chest Cold

So I think I am going to die from coughing.  I feel that is totally possible to do.  Sawyer gave me his cold, or maybe it was Carrie who shared.

We had to put off a birthday dinner Saturday, as I was starting and they were in the middle of the cold.

This was the house yesterday with some snow still sticking to the edge of the roof.  Luckily there was no  interruption in shifts at the shelter.  Everyone made it in  when they were scheduled.  The cats free feed, so they can miss a shift, but the dogs are different.  We have two shifts a day, every day.

I had lunch with Dennis and Frank, since I had to go out for cough syrup anyway.  I found my appetite was not strong, wishing I had some chicken soup.   Of course I didn't think about the chicken soup until I left Target's parking lot and I was feeling too bad to turn around.

Do you remember when I went to  QuiltCon with PattyA?  I took this dyeing class.  I have no idea where any of my stuff went during the flood.  I have been itching to do some dyeing again.  So if I live through this cold, I want to rip up some PFD and do some Shibori dyeing. Maybe there will be a good piece for the Journey theme for CFAL. 

I was talking to Swooze earlier and she was lamenting the number of quilts that need finishing at her house.  She and I have similar problems.  We both are doing OMG, which will get neither of us close to clearing out a backlog.  I was challenging her to a quilting duel when she suddenly heard a pot boiling.........

 I was watching QVC so I wouldn't have to watch the Killer Whales on Blue Planet eat the Dolphins, and I saw the host wearing some jeans with bra buttons at the bottom cuff.  It looked so fun and added a bit of flare to the plain jeans.  I think I have some of those buttons in a jar somewhere from before Carrie was even born.  I might have to sew some on and save some $$.  Considering all they have left is extra small.......But those shoes, ugh!


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