Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Recycled Art Auction and Arts Council Exhibit

Several of my friends had a dog in this fight, as the saying goes.  More than a few, in fact.  65 pieces were up for auction and about 7 of there were people I knew.

In a nasty turn of events, Carrie called and asked me to take the baby while she and Andrew both worked late.  I agreed thinking we could just bung him along to the Art Auction.  But he had other plans.  He really wanted to just, well, scream bloody murder.

So we left and ended up meeting Carrie for a late dinner.

Where he sat perfectly content eating half of my Chicken
Shwarma Salad.  Now he had already had his dinner and a bottle and a snack and another half bottle.  And two diaper changes.  So I have no idea what his problem was, other than the fact that the Art Crowd at Habitat for Humanity was not snooty enough for his tastes.

I have no idea how many millions my Tea piece sold for.  ( I found out yesterday that Tea sold for $150%  of the value of the start bid.  Not bad!)

I did get a chance to take a look at the other pieces and know there is no rusty stuff going on, so next year I plan to have some pieces already ready to go for the auction.

Early.  Can you believe that?

So I had the baby for the weekend since his parents were on the beach.   He and I had swimming classes on Monday.  Which were cancelled at the last minute when the instructor got sick that morning.  Which was a total shame because I looked damn good in my new bathing suit after losing 41 lbs and having 3 weeks of Performance Classes. Damn Good! (personal win:  today I flipped the tire TWICE for the first time ever in my life!)

So he went to his  home and stay with an unspecified relative.  Who will live there.  Like I said.
Whoever wants to make anything of that can.

I have two pieces that needed to be prepared for hanging at the Livingston Arts Council.  The April/May exhibit is exciting.  It is called the Established and Emerging Artists Exhibit which combines students at the high school with the juried artists from the council.  I am excited to see the combination of the two.  I remember when Carrie was exhibiting as a high school student and how exciting it was to see her work out in the world. 

I went to bring the paperwork and pieces to the Arts Council today, but they were closed.  I just can't get their days straight!  They used to be closed just on Monday.  I  wonder when Tuesday came into the picture?  Geez.

I have two things to show you but I want to create two separate posts for them, you know, since they are so spectacular, and all.

One is how I did the hanging sleeve on the two pieces here for the show.  The other is how I am making the marks for the Bird quilt.  I really need to get that on the frame and quilted.


  1. Love your blog and creativeness with quilting, and especially your sense of humor. Thank you
    Sounds. Like the little man is going through a growth spurt with the extra eating. Mom of 3 sons, they just eat more.

  2. If you are looking for that weight I found most of it and wasn't looking. So glad that you have lost the weight you worked to lose and that it makes you happy. BTW the last post was answered on my phone which seems to be a huge mistake.

  3. That sweet baby had a meltdown? Oh my. Maybe he was still hungry. I am happy to hear your piece sold for more than the starting bid. You seem to be keeping very busy!


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