Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Marking Another Event Today

You know what today is?  The second anniversary of the Great Flood of 2016.

My life has changed so much, my house has changed so much.

The house as we evacuated.   The water rose about 6 more inches and then went down pretty quickly compared to most other flood events.  By day three we were able to walk through the house.  Our problem on day two was getting there with the residual flooding in the streets.

We tried to keep the dogs out of the water, since we thought the water would not continue to rise.  We are not in a flood zone after all.

The weekend started with Frank and I deciding to head to Orange Beach AL for our anniversary celebration.   He wanted to ride Skidoos in the Gulf.  You can see the storm coming in as we looked out from our hotel balcony.

The storm gets worse as time goes on.  We are looking west, toward Louisiana.

We decided to come home since it would not stop raining.  And over the next 24 hours, the water rose


During the night as we looked out over the back yard, it was obvious the water continued to rise.

It was terrifying, just terrifying.

One of my favorite inside photos is of Chloe refusing to get out of her bed as the water rose around us.  We thought the water would stop here.

But it kept rising.

When we evacuated and were picked up by the Cajun Navy, the boat glided down Jones Creek which is usually just a trickle of water down a deep sided canal base.

Here is Chloe trying to figure out where the heck we were going!

We all were thinking that.  

I don't need words to describe this emotion.  The next hours were unbelievable as we searched for a vehicle, a place to stay, even how family members were doing.  Thank goodness Greg and Dee were able to find us.  They graciously offered us and the dogs shelter in the RV in their back yard.  We stayed with them for almost a week.  I will be forever grateful to them.

This is the day we were able to get back to the house.  The darkened bricks are where the water line was.  That is chest high on Frank and he is just under 6 feet.
And this was our home for the next 8 months.

I am so glad the physical part of all this is over.  I will carry the emotional part with me till the day I die.  I still have flashbacks and panic attacks on some nights.  I still have images in my head during moments when the rain is heavy.  And in the midnight times, walking down the darkened hallway brings the feelings of water swirling around my ankles.

From just about any part of my house, you can see where the area from which the water rose.  I find myself casting my eye in that direction often.  So far it has kept its distance.  

I am not sure it will never happen again.  I don't think we can run from it, we didn't expect to flood here in the first place.  I thought we were safe.  

But I can truthfully say, I would not do this again.  Ever.  Under no circumstances, would I put myself through this again.  


  1. I was talking about you and my brother when this was happening. It came up on my Facebook memories. I’m just glad everyone survived it. Hopefully the emotional part will ease. I think all my stuff was just a pile on and I am able to block it all out so seem unscathed somewhat. I will say it’s harder now on me than when all the bad was actually happening.

  2. Your blog friends who are far away lived this disaster with you. I remember my heart aching for you and others. You'll always be my hero for making it through this!!! Let's hope it's a memory that doesn't repeat itself! EVER!

  3. You found strength you didn't know you had, friends near and far that supported you in whatever manner possible, love of family and most of all you and Frank made it through. Congratulations on the journey so far and I wish you both well as you continue to face the things that remind you of the flood. There are still many people who remember how tough some of the days were and the fact that you were tougher and made it through all of it.

  4. We make it through the tough times with the help of friends and those we love. But how long does it take to dispel the pain from the memories? Maybe never. I guess they call that PTSD. The current weather patterns cause fear of what the future will be. BUT, we can prepare and try not to worry and carry on. Boy, that sounded lame, didn't it.
    xx, Carol

  5. I cannot fathom what this was like. You have persevered and found even more strength. Your post this morning really helped me understand just a wee but what this was like.

  6. To have water running thru my house is very difficult to imagine. So many people in need of help. I am glad you, Frank, and the dogs made it thru this and that it never happens again.

  7. We can only imagine how horrible this was but I know we can't begin to understand how devastating something like this is. I hope none of us ever find out .

  8. I hope the trauma lessens with time. Thankfully you had friends and neighbors who helped you out of this terrible experience.


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