Friday, August 17, 2018

Two Different Finishes

yep, two very different finishes.

One is a career finish, Frank retired today.  He headed out to Broussard LA to turn in his computer and was surprised with a party in his honor.  Guys he has worked with over the last 23 years drove in to share jambalaya and cake.  So typically a Louisiana celebration!

I called Dennis, Frank’s closest counterpart, and asked that he take me some photos since I knew Frank wasn’t going to even think about it.

He is leaving a 46 year career in the oil and gas industry.  I can honestly say, the  PetroChem industry has given us a good life.  I have had friends who have railed against Big Oil, but it has been our life.  And we make no apologies for it.

I am proud of the way he handled his customers, making lifelong friends along the way.  He has been honest to a fault and treated co workers with integrity and respect.  He has quite a reputation in the business.

Since he is one of the few remaining rotating equipment sales engineers in the country, it will be interesting to see how things go without his vast knowledge and contacts.  I wonder how quickly they will start calling him!

The second is, well, simply bees!


  1. Tell Frank I wish him a long and happy retirement! Love that bee quilt! So freakin' cute!

  2. The calls will start Monday afternoon once they realize he isn't there. See you both soon.

  3. Terry's calls started as soon as he retired. I used to get upset that he answered the phone. But though he retired, it was really because he got sick of the demands being made of him. I had already retired so I was happy he did. Gosh your bees are cute! So now that your husband has retired, how do you think he will spend his days? I had a hard time convincing Terry that he didn't have to do a darned thing. It can be difficult for your mind to transition to thinking "I can do what I want when I want to do it".
    xx, Carol

  4. I hope Frank enjoys retirement as much as DH is -- he, too, left behind a track record of excellence and extensive far-reaching knowledge. The world needs more young engineers like Frank and DH! Congratulations and all best wishes for the transition.

  5. Two great finishes! Congratulations to Frank on staying true to himself throughout his career. As for people railing against the oil and gas industries - the simple solution is to tell them to live their lives without oil and gas. No driving, no busses. As for eating - tractors, trucks, trains to get the food there, some way to keep it at the right temperature, some way to cook it. I was in Houston in the 60s when we as a country went environmentally clean and the oil and gas industry were threatened with total destruction. They pointed out that if we did what the environmentalists wanted we were transferring the problems they saw to other people so the only real solution was to go back to living without benefit from gas and oil. I was an environmental chemist for a while and can tell you that if there is enough money to the right people there is no damage to the environment too large to be approved.

  6. Congrats to your guy!!! A well deserved retirement...hope he enjoys every day!!!

  7. That is a big change for him.does he have any grand plans? Maybe learn how to use the Avante? He can do all the quilting and you can create. Wouldn't that be a dream come true.

  8. Ah congrats to you both. Hope his new career isn’t managing your time!

  9. Best wishes to Frank. Wishing him a long, happy retirement. And congratulations to you on the bee quilt finish.


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