Friday, October 5, 2018

Meet Anna Williams

Anna Williams was a Baton Rouge native and an amazing quilter whose quilts appear in collections across the world.  She died in 2010 and most Baton Rouge Quilters never heard of her.  Her quilts hang in the Smithsonian and are in the collections of AQS.  She is on the list of the Top100 Quilters.

Anna's quilts have influenced you and you didn't even know it!

At the River City Guild meeting last night, Katie Prescott gave a  very heartfelt presentation about Anna and her quilts.  Katie's mother was involved in helping to sell and preserve her body of work.

She hand pieced them, while raising 7 boys and 1 girl as a single black woman working as a domestic.  She was born on the Kleinpeter Plantation, which is lands not far from my house.  The Kleinpeters still are the prominent dairy farm in the area.  Around here, we all drink Kleinpeter Milk.
None of the quilts are square, they are just hand pieced, one at a time in any spare moment.

You can see photos of Anna Williams and a few of her quilts here.

Here are some of the quilts Katie showed at the meeting last night.  Make me want to keep MORE of my scrappies!  LOL

So tell me what you think of her quilts.


  1. Absolutely amazing. Thank you for sharing.

  2. You are so lucky to see Anna's quilts in person! I have know about her work for a long time. Thanks for posting the pictures of these quilts.


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