Sunday, January 27, 2019


We are so sick. I think I might die before morning so this might be it.

Sawyer gave it to us.  Remember the first of last week when he had a fever and we got him to the doctor and then kept him for two days? His ear tubes were working really really well. And he coughed all over both of us.

Well that was it. We got it.

Neither of us can breathe, I think we might have one good nostril between  the two of us.

And you know,  the Basset’s are useless as nurses.


  1. I am so sorry to hear you both are sick. Get plenty of rest and eat lots chicken broth soup! Have Carrie bring you quarts and quarts of it from a Chinese restaurant since her little one gave you both the creepin' krud. That is a catch all name for being sick with some nonspecific name for whatever the heck it is you have. I have a slight cold that started below my left eye. Weird hun? My eye has been puffy and my skin dry and flakey. Very weird! I slapped some of my Zam- Buk on it and it seems to have helped. I hope you and Frank are feeling better soon!

  2. But we love those little petree dishes and their mommies and daddies. Hope you feel better soon. Petters to the bassets.

  3. I watch my 7month old grandson during the week. He came down with a cold, sneezing, coughing and rattle in his chest. Then I started to get the symptoms, however, turned into bronchitis. After using all meds the Dr., gave me, it still did not clear up, and the wheezing in my chest was horrible. Back to Dr., -- now I have Adult RVS. so I can not watch grandson for a week. Back on meds, asthma inhaler, antihistamine and if all fails, will be put on steriods. So hang in there guys. Catching this stuff from the young ones is hard on us old folks.

  4. You are way funnier when you are sick than I am - I tend to be very grumpy. I am not sure I would want the bassetts to be my nurse even if on the way outside chance that they could ever be trained to do even minor nursing duties, but I bet they are great at comforting you. They want their ears rubbed and tummies scratched and are willing to sit with you as long as you are willing to do either. And then there is food - don't even doubt they would love you and stay very close if there were enough treats to make it worth their while. Selfless to the end - the wonderful bassetts.


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