Monday, January 7, 2019

The Lighthouse

ohh, I need a name, so far I have been calling it “Frank” or “Lighthouse”.

Maybe “Ocean Viewing” or something.

Thanks to several of my Fiber Art friends for making some great suggestions about moving several components up above the horizon line.  It had not occurred to me to move them around.  I realized it was an important  design decision making device.

See, I am still learning too!

So things are fused, so unless it is something major all the decisions have been made for placement.

After I looked at the “final”, I realized that I needed some seagulls in that open sky.  And three is one of this “magical” numbers.

On to the quilting plan.  My friend Carol of Quilted Fabric Art does amazing echo quilting on her landscapes.  Julie of Me and My Quilts and the Free Pieced Barns pointed me toward several of the barn-scapes our group had produced for some of the detail quilting.

So much to think above it in this stage.

You know, making these pieces is really nerve-racking!


  1. Oh oh.....I think my light house is leaning a bit!

  2. I figured it was just the angle of the viewer . . . not to worry! Looks great to me.

  3. Cool!!! No, that's not a 'name' for the quilt..I just think it's cool!

  4. This looks so good! Yes, a few birds of different sizes would look good. A tiny one so it looks far away, etc.


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