Tuesday, January 8, 2019

I have a few things to catch you up on.

First …….. they finally moved that FEMA trailer that overlooked my back yard and into half my windows in the kitchen and den.

Now the Crazy Lady can't stand out on her back deck thing and wave at the guests in my backyard.

 Or spy on Frank and I enjoying a glass of wine or water on the back patio.  Or watch us and laugh her fool head off like some, well, Crazy Lady.

I have my YARD and my PRIVACY back!  Yay!

 This is what my immediate back yard looks like now!  We are so happy that the neighbors came over with champagne and wine and pizza and we all sat around and partied till dawn!  Well, it was more like 8 pm when they all went home, but you know.

One of my older neighbors used to have about 4 Jack Russell Terriers. Now all her babies are gone and she waits for us to pass by every morning on our walks with the Basset Boyz.  They love to see her.

She brings them dog bones sometimes.

And she brought me this adorable kitchen towel the other day.

One of my Fiber Art ladies let me use her metal door mat to do some rusting.  I can't get that darned mat to rust on to a piece of cloth to save my life.  I am thinking there is that red oxide paint and it just looks like rust.

Tomorrow I will try some other fabrics and see if I can get it to rust something more than just a few spots.

I worked on Frank and the Lighthouse and fused all the pieces down, but have not moved further with it.

 Oh, and I did put the borders on my Concordia quilt center.  I will quilt it with straight lines.  Yep, straight lines.

For Christmas

Frank got me a Gallery Hanging System for the two walls in the front room

.  I want to be able to change out my Fiber Art pieces or my Quilts without making holes in the wall all the time.  It went up easily enough.

There is, however, a learning curve as to how to hang things.  I have to spend some minutes figuring out how to situate the back of the quilt or Fiber piece so it will hang on the hooks.

Anyone have any experience with hanging like this?

And last but not least, I had some solar dyes just hanging around from the last time I went to the Art Store on Government Street with my Fiber Art peeps.  So I tore up 4 pieces of what I thought might be PFD fabric and went to town.  The reason I don't know what is PFD any more is because when the flood happened, the people who came in and took my fabrics off to be washed and stored didn't know what was what and it all came back in one heap.

Hey, I know beggars certainly can't be choosers.  I LOVE my friends for doing that.  And I am more than willing to guess at what might be PFD or not!

All these are fat quarter size.

I want to work on some of them for the North Louisiana Lecture in November.

They are (in order of appearance)
Green  - a branch from someone's Christmas tree by the side of the road
Red - a branch from my Nandina bush and a few leaves from Nancy's nettle weed in her front yard
Swirly Purple - purple drizzled with some green and I swirled the fabric into a rose looking twirl and left it in the sun.
Leaf Purple - a place mat I bought at Bed Bath and Beyond for 99 cents after Christmas.  I wish I had bought 15 of them!


  1. You look like you had a lot of fun. So glad the Crazy Lady's intrusion on your life has been reduced. I am sort of surprised that FEMA left the trailer so long. I guess she wasn't as quick as you were at getting her life together.

  2. In Iowa the Fema trailers were hauled away because the had mold in them. It was awful, I was so glad I didn't have one. Love your new pieces, the Concordia quilt and the gallery hanging system. Husband wouldn't put holes in the walls, this maybe an option for me. And the Frank piece, Wistful. Hugs the boys.

  3. So the Crazy Lady finally got her house fixed? That is great you don't have to look at it any more. That towel is so cute! I like seeing your experiments.


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