I have one cucumber vine. One. And everyday I get one to two cucumbers. And the meds I am taking and cucumbers do not mix. I now have cukes stockpiling.
So I decided to do some refrigerator Bread stand Butter pickles. Of course I had to send Frank to the store. That is always a disaster.
As luck would have it, I needed abnormal things, like pickling salt and pickling spices. When he could only find 5 lbs bags of the pickling salt and I only needed 1 1/2 teaspoon, I looked up the difference between table sale and pickling salt. You know what? Pickling salt has no iodine. Fine, just get non-iodized salt!
Made him go ask for help with the pickling spices though. He actually came home with the right stuff!
I already had the jars and some zucchini from the farmers market this morning, so I made about 11 jars of pickles with cucumbers and zucchini. Aren’t those purple beans amazing?
And my Boro Stitching books came in! I am in love!
I am patiently waiting for my first squash blossoms to appear. The veggies look great. I am not growing cucumbers - I can't stand the smell of them. I am trying to grow zucchini, yellow squash, and butternut squash. I still need to transplant my bok choy. My harvest is going to be late.