Friday, June 28, 2019

A Million Figs

We went to my cousins house yesterday and picked some figs.  She has two ginormous fig trees that are stellar producers. We picked three bags which was like a million figs.

After eating about 100,000 of them.......yep.......I decided to make some fig newtons.  Frank pitched in to help, since he is sometimes interested in how things are made.  Fig Newtons must have interested him.

They smelled amazing!  And I used 64 figs in the making........geez.  That is 899,936 left.

I would never have pegged Fig Newtons for having lemon and orange flavors, but they were distinctly Newton-y.

And if Barb will ever call me back, I will share some with her!


  1. Fig newtons were a family favorite growing up but Nabisco was the baker. I can remember my dad dunking in cold milk like most people do with chocolate chip cookies.

  2. I have a very large Costco jar of fig jam in the fridge. I wonder could I make something similar with it before it dries up. Yours looks amazing! BTW, hope you are feeling better. Take care.


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