Thursday, June 20, 2019

The First Five

I accidentally posted this to the Cotton Robin blog......where we are eagerly waiting for all the quilts to arrive in their respective homes before all are released for view.  I can only imagine the excitement when everyone thought the first five were being posted!

But it was actually the first five blocks for my new project.  I have been seeing all these people do the #100days projects.  And before the flood I had cut out all the block pieces for all 100 Tula Pink blocks in the book.

I had even completed 54 blocks.  Of course they were on the floor in a box.

I have a new book and lots of solid scraps.  Looks like a project to Me!  We shall see how far I get, right!

And I need a quilt for my nephews daughter we will visit them in October. And of course they will need quilts from their Louisiana Auntie!

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