Friday, June 21, 2019

Why Did I name that dog McGee?

The kid was here on Thursday and we pulled out the pool.  And the hose. And the squirt guns.  And the cup to fill them with.

When I changed him into his bathing duds, I told him I wasn’t putting on a diaper.  So he had to wait till we got outside before he peed.  He nodded agreement.  Although last time, he didn’t wait.

This time we did make it outside and he jumped into the pool.

He was throwing himself down, and splashing all over and shooting everything in site except grandma.  That worked out well.  Very well.

He was pointing out the dogs and calling them by name most of the afternoon.  We don’t have the most kid friendly names, you know.  And he was very concerned about DiNozzo’s boo boos.  After a while, we put DiNozzo inside to keep him cool and out of squirt gun range.

Sawyer kept getting out of the and calling McGee then gibberish on to him about something.  I kept saying, get back in the pool and leave McGee alone.  Then he went to the back door and looked inside talking about McGee.

I kept telling him to get back into the pool.

Well, as it turned out, Sawyer was saying pee, not McGee.  And he let loose all over the back patio.

A bit of miscommunication there, grandma.  Wondering why I named that dog McGee, which sounds like Pee, which is confusing to a guy who is just beginning potty training.


  1. We are actively potty training here, too - with limited success so far. Swim diapers are a must for water play still. And no squirt guns (or guns of any kind) per the parents' wishes.

  2. What a funny story and a great memory!! Especially when you remind Sawyer of this event when he's 20!


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