Friday, July 12, 2019

Preparing for the Storm TS Barry

i have to Admit I have lost it a few times today.  and a few times last night.  I guess I can say what I feel right now is just resignation.  and yeah we really don’t know what’s going to happen, we could do be fine.   Or have just minimal water.  I can’t imagine that will have the 31 inches inside we had before.   I looked Frank in the eye about an hour ago and said you realise I am not moving back into this house if it floods like this again.  I just couldn’t do what I did before.  If you want to see my 2016 Flood journey start here. saturday August 13, 2016

Check out my Instagram feed at #quiltswissy or #quiltsanddogs since sometimes it is just easier to do that post than deal with blogger.

 I lost all my quilting books in the 2016 flood. I had purchased a bookcase to sit by my bed and had just the week before put them all in there.  so I’m not doing that again, they are at eyelevel in my shelves in the den.

I put all my photo books in the highest shelves.  Didn’t realize I had so many of those! Guess I need to photoshop them into a computer and print some photo books as they are deteriorating since 1972!

I have some pictures from the Mississippi river lobby the weather guy was standing exactly where I stand to take the pictures of the letters. he had a GPS photo from above of what it looks like in normal times when the river is down and what it looks like today.   the Mississippi river has been in floods stage for 186 days here in Baton Rouge.

And I know you can’t tell a difference in what my sewing room looks like, right!

 Since I’ve already put my computer into a plastic box up high I need to just post the pictures in some random order down below.  if you have some questions about any of them just ask me. I’ll post some of the ones from the TV photos and one showing you exactly where Baton Rouge is located in the gist of things so you know what you’re looking at.  most of the coverage that I hear is being given to New Orleans, which is pretty usual.

I will try to keep in touch as the storm hits landfall  on Saturday midday.  I’ll see if I can hold myself together.  Frank has already said he knows when we need to evacuate so at least will try to save one vehicle.  with my eye compromised from the recent shingles like it is I’m not comfortable driving.  Hopefully I won’t have to, we’ll see.


  1. Let's hope you get missed or get just a glancing blow from this storm. I hope you didn't put anything on top of the refrigerator this time. This has got to be so hard with the situation totally out of your control. Take care and be safe!

  2. be safe--am thinking of you and praying for you and your home-
    luv, di

  3. I wondered how you would feel if the flooding happened again - you answered it - I wouldn't move back in either. Good luck to all in your area!

  4. You are in my thoughts and prayers as the television weather guy drones on and on. I want them to tell me what is going on quickly and then just shut up. My husbands laps up every word and says they have to repeat it over and over so people will understand. Hopefully the rain will not be as bad as they are predicting for your area and the drainage system clean up is new enough to still be effective. None of this helps to ease the worry and I am sure you run to the back door often. I wish I could take some portion of the fear away. I wish the rain would stop. I wish you peace of mind.


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