Monday, August 12, 2019

A Marvel-ous Anniversary

 Today is our 47th anniversary. Last week we had gone into the jewelry store to have the batteries replaced on his watches. He has quite a few really nice watches maybe five or six. But when he saw the new Marvel Comics Avengers watches that had just been released this  month  he fell in love. However  there’s this little matter of the five or six watches he already had. So we walked  away without buying one.

I managed to drive back to Patton’s the next day, although it is difficult for me to see with the cloud of haze in that right eye still. Frank rarely really likes anything and even rarer still wants to own it. Unlike me. I want to own all the good stuff.

I knew I wouldn’t have any other chances to do it because of the upcoming surgery. I thought for sure he knew exactly what was going on. But he was oblivious.

 When he saw the green Patton’s bag he knew what it was. The watch is really a beautiful piece. It is eco-drive which means it runs from the energy from the solar emissions from the sun. And it has the avengers logo on the front dial. I think it really is a beautiful watch. He has a Mickey Mouse watch with a gold face I bought him many years ago that is I think equally beautiful.

So now he’s going to want to go out with all his friends. He’s going to want to go visit Allen who has a collection of really nice high-end watches. And he’s going to wanna show off his brand new beautiful watch everywhere!

May it keep good time for you my husband.


  1. Pretty Sneaky!! Happy Anniversary.
    xx, Carol

  2. Awesome gift - happy anniversary to both of you!

  3. Happy anniversary! How fun to be able to give Frank something he really wanted.

  4. Paul and I celebrated our 46th anniversary yesterday! Hope your anniversary is wonderful!

  5. How cool! Isn't it nice to actually find something that the hubby's like!!! Happy Anniversary!


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