Thursday, September 26, 2019

Leafy Quilt Top

i achieved the goal!!!

The top is put together before we leave to visit Nephew Shannon.

I have to say .... this is shocking that the quilt top with all the tiny pieces actually lays so flat.  That NEVER happens for me.  It is kinda why I got into modern and improv !!

I really love this quilt.  Hopefully when we get home I will love it enough to start quilting it immediately. I haven’t quilted since the shingles thing started and I can’t focus my eye.   I did OK piecing and cutting on the Leafy quilt but there were a few aggravating things tho

Like not being able to thread a needle with compromised depth perception. And the needle threader on this machine has never worked since I got it. No matter how I bend the prongs  it won’t pick up a thread.

And trying to snip threads is impossible without your eyes working in unison. It helps with this bandage contact lens in that eye. But that is not a permanent solution.

So.....I have a lot of curated green and golds left over. I am thinking.............


  1. Hope the eye continues to respond to treatment.

  2. The leafy quilt is just fantastic! I sort of want to make one now that I've seen yours. :)


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