Saturday, September 28, 2019

Missing Leaf Mystery Solved

 Do you remember back on September 10 when I suspected the fabric eating dog had eaten my leafy block? The block is 20 1/2“ x 8 1/2“ and there was no sign of it anywhere.

I searched and searched and searched all over my quilt room,  the house the places he usually leaves his stash. I found nothing.

Sometime in the night he tossed all of his cookies and the leafy block. So he really did eat it.    I am shocked it stayed in there this long.

I kept watching what he ate making sure that food was able to go in and I watched what came out, making sure food was able to come out. And he seemed fine. But I was always suspicious.

  He is one lucky dog.


  1. WOW! You're right! HE (& you!) are lucky!!! This could have been a disaster!! And costly...who would have thought!

  2. Gosh you both are so lucky. One time I had to pull just this kind of thing from a butt. Scarey! Our dogs eat stuff outside that comes up. If WE are lucky we can get them outside in time. The things we do for our dogs!
    xx, Carol

  3. So happy everything came out okay!

  4. Your leaf top looks wonderful! Congratulations for sticking with it! I am glad the missing piece showed up. I would think he would have a heck of a bellyache! It a good thing it didn't get stuck in his intestines.

  5. Maybe it's time to put up a door. Well, some are so sneaky nothing really works. He does kind of sound like one of those. At least he's okay.


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