Thursday, January 16, 2020

Birthday Week

We are coming to the final day of my Birthday Week tomorrow.  It has been good, as usual.

Today I recieved one of those upside down umbrellas!  Yesterday he gave me this hysterical card. There are also scenes from my workshop with Karen Grabowski last weekend.  Deconstructed screen printing. Now I need more stuff!!!!


  1. I miss reading your blogs as often but I am happy that your life is busy and youare enjoying yourself!

  2. I have Kerr's DVD's and would reference them often...I must be way behind in blog BD is today (16th)...when was yours? And how come you get a whole week to celebrate! HA Happy belated birthday!!! It appears you had a great one and well deserved!!!

  3. Your birthday week went very well. (That card is hilarious.) I barely celebrate at all and you use a whole week? It was good to see you at the CFAL meeting. Oh and happy belated birthday!


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