Friday, February 28, 2020

Wildfire Quilt

Did I tell you that I was participating in the Improv Triangles from th book by Nicholas Ball called Inspiring Improv.  One of my favorite books now.  He is in the 4th week of the Sew Along. Putting it together and getting it ready for quilting.

I am loving the improvisational aspect of the whole thing.  My triangles began as a grey neutral; to a flash of yellow; to orange, pink and that deep red purple.

And as they went up at random on to the design wall, they took the shape of a swirl of fire and smoke from the wildfires that have ravaged our planet.  So I ran with it.

Loving it.


  1. Sometimes a project just takes on it's own life. Guess this one did that.
    xx, Carol

  2. Well, look at you go!!!! Cool!


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