Monday, April 6, 2020

The Daily Bird Porch Quilt Show Day 14

This was one of the most fun Quilts I have ever made.  Every day in December 2017 I made a new bird block. The pattern is a liberated bird by Lynn Tyler. Each day on this blog I posted the new block and a story about the bird based on his own true life.

The quilt top was put together in a jigsaw fashion. Because no block was the same size I  added half square triangles. Those triangles made this quilt top sing!

The quilt has hung in three different quilt shows and it was part of Julie Waldman‘s trunk show in Tennessee. It is a big quilt with those yellow birds on the back


  1. This one certainly makes me smile😊 thanks for sharing all your quilts

  2. Great choice for the quilt show. Because it is stretching the " what is a quilt concept"!

  3. This is such a fun quilt! All those HSTs had to take hours and hours to make! Love the bird fabric on the back!


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