Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wednesday at the Old Folks Home

Mom will be spending the night at her apartment at Lake Sherwood Village for the first time tonight.  I felt like I was putting my kindergartner on the bus for the first day of school.

She says, I will be fine.
I said, I know. (my eyes glistening)
She says, Are you OK?
I said, yes, maybe...
She says, go feed your dogs, I will be fine.  I have the TV to watch.

And I thought........,maybe it is me......


1 comment:

  1. Miss Lois not only has the TV to watch, she has all those other people to do things with. Like play poker or bingo. Plus she has that really great food to munch on.

    Hug your dogs. They'll make you feel better.


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