Saturday, September 4, 2010

I even stole the comment!

(I blatantly stole this comment from one I left on the 15 Minutes Play blog.  It sounded inspired, so I used it to start my own post!) 

I have had such small bits of time this week, I don't know where it all goes. Maybe tonight I will get in the Quilt Room and sew up the rest of my second Mystery Quilt.  LSU is playing tonight, the grand-dog is home with his momma and the quilt room is a bit more tidy and neat (if you can call it that).  And the chicken salad I made this afternoon is ready to spoon on to the bread when Frank is ready to eat.


Friday morning Carrie called me and said she missed her dog something awful.  She wanted him home for the weekend.  He would come back on Monday or Tuesday and stay until a new crate was constructed for him at home. (He chews out of whatever they put him in.) I suggested she meet us for lunch at the Thai place we like and then head to the house for the dog.  When we arrived at the house together, I opened the door and stepped back so her baby could greet her with effusive wild gyrations of joy! 

The unimaginable happened.

He passed her up and ran to me with effusive wild gyrations of joy.  Oh, oh.

I was shocked, I looked at her face and she looked like she was going to burst into tears!  I shoved him to her and he said, Hi Mom.......oh but Grandma is home!

Poor Carrie, she took him home and I am sure he is loving up on her now, glad to be home. 

glen:  he obviously had a lot of fun here, chasing squirrels, flushing birds, eating dog bones all day long, dragging around huge stuffed squeakies, sleeping with grandma on the sofa every night, going to Petsmart, getting yogurt in his dinner, getting Nupro in his dinner, eating bananas   

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I know you - one of those 'love stealing' grandma's who make the rest of us look bad. It's obvious you spent the entire week either bribing him or otherwise 'overindulging' him just to turn him away from poor Carrie. How do you think she felt driving home with him standing at the window crying all the way home. I hope your happy!

    Hugs - Marie


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