Monday, April 29, 2013

Well.......I Did Something Small Instead

I did quilt some today, in fact I did my May Challenge project for the Fiber Group.  Itwas supposed to be something with text.

I set out to work with these shirts:

And had an idea from the internet to make a piece that had a saying from Star Wars on it.  Why I chose a fork I will never know, but it turned out fabulously.

And those shirts ended up to be a really cool piece!

Not much fabric used on these small pieces, but they sure are fun!


  1. I love how your mind works, can I come and play with you? Wish I lived closer but getting to see what you are up to on the blog will have to be good enough. what is the saying?

    "may the fork be with you"

  2. I was intrigued by your post from yesterday with the excel thing and googled it. did you use the excel art software? since it's free, I downloaded it, tried it and now I have a picture with about a million little tiny squares. Now what do you do? Do I make a quilt by cutting out 1,000,000 little squares, keeping track of where each one goes, then sew them together in just the right sequence with a perfect 1/4 inch seam. Do you have a recommendation for a good mental institution that I will need should I choose to go forward with this endeavour? lol!


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