We have loads of fun stuff to do today. Friends, family, mothers, sons, daughters, BBQ, presents, cards. I hope your Mom's Day is happy and pleasant and wonderful too!
I got this from McGee today.
In all that, I tried to poke my eye out this morning with something I was giving to Carrie, not a Mother's Day thing, but more of a closet clean out thing. It is a plant stake and I didn't see the small wire and it poked right into my eye. It hit the corner and didn't hurt anything luckily, but dang, is it not sore!
Stash Report is the same as last week. No, I won a table runner pack at the Guild Meeting and need to declare it. It is a cute Santa Runner with 8 fat quarters for a total of 2 yards incoming.
used this week 0
Used May -4.5
added this week 2
added May 2
used YTD -52.83
added YTD 25.5
stash reduction -27.33
Your numbers are looking great!