Monday, August 19, 2013

A Winner, I Am!!


My Ellie's won first place viewers choice at the Kaleidascope of Quilts Show yesterday!


Is that not the greatest thing ever?????

On the downside of the day, McGee ate the cowl I showed you in the last post.  I was furious at him and banished him from my sight upon penalty of death.  Didn't work.  But everybody else ran when I entered the room!

At least he didn't eat the needles...........but he did eat on of the needle tips.  He actually ate through the stitches.  I am so angry.  He also unraveled one of the balls of yarn.  That alpaca is all over the place this morning.

And YES it was in a zip lock bag on top of the table ready to take with me today.

I hung the socks on the top of a door, I guess I will have to do that with all my stuff.  So I need to make handles on my project bags.


  1. Congratulations -well deserved.

  2. Congrats on the well deserved ribbon!! Why do dogs do that? I have dogs that like to eat quilts every now and then. I think they just wanted their own, as soon as I gave them one of chewed up quilts, they stop eating them. Maybe your pooch needs a scarf :)

  3. I am catching up from the weekend and girl, you live crazy! Dogs eating yarn, dog having seizures, a bad wheel (knee), and a winning quilt! Your life is definitely not boring! Congratulation the on viewers choice win!


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