I can't believe we are in August already. The days are getting shorter by about 3 or 4 minutes each sunset heading to the coolness of winter.
The Bassets will be sad to see the heating pad patio get cool, but I know they have about 3 more months of solar heat to absorb.

My goal this week is to get the GSMDCA Raffle Quilt quilted. I have to wait for Frank to come home so we can spread it out on the carport and sandwich the layers. This is where it will be, the picture on the right. Without the black on the outside however. I could not find anything that looked good with it, so it will go as is. At least it is not square!
I also want to get the quilt that seems to be terminally attached to the quilt machine done and off. That will require way more work than just quilting it.
Candy said she would come and help me with the tensioning of it. Let her work her magic. I could get so much more done if it would work well.
Here are some more pics from the Kaleidoscope of Quilts Show.

These are charity quilts on the ladder
Nice job of displaying the quilts , some of them seem to be suspended in space