Here are some photos from the retreat. These are from some of the others at the retreat. I love them all!
There was one non quilter among us. She did the most beautiful beading work I have ever seen. She worked on this the entire four days.
Does this look familiar? it is the same quilt as the one in the header of this blog.
Here I am testing a border color. I like the purple, don't you? The black is too stark, which is something I never thought I would ever say. I generally love black on everything.
At the retreat, we had a curious visitor. The deer wanted to see our finished quilt works!
Our guild is having Judy Neimeyer come to teach some of her techniques. This is one that was just finished by Miss Thelma, a treasure in our quilt herself.
more later, I am having trouble with the orientation of some of the pictures translating to the blog.
Like your "curvy" quilts Glen - are they same blocks that Karla Alexander uses sin one of her books?