Sunday, February 8, 2015

Krewe of Mutts Parade and Stash Report Negativity

This year's theme is Marvelous Mutts!  Dress up and enter a costume contest with your best friend!  this is the 16th year CAAWS is putting on the Mystic Krewe of Mutts Parade in downtown  Baton
Rouge, LA.

See the T-Shirt graphics here as well

The parade is our largest fundraiser and is a huge event in the city, we call it the Mutts Parade.  The proceeds help spay and neuter hundreds of cats and dogs each year.  We are helped by sponsors Raising Canes Chicken Fingers, BRECO Credit Union and BREC.

I will be out there selling t-shirts.  I think they are still $15 but they could be $20 on parade day.....I can't remember.

We do a t-shirt every year, and people actually collect them!  This year's shirt is the best I have ever seen, the picture is on the front AND the back! LOL.  I complain every year one way or the other.  This year they fixed it right!  LOL

If you want a t-shirt text me at 225-252-1100 and I will save one for you.  They go fast!

I completed the quilting on the Octopus quilt. So that puts me within 6 yards of being in the NEGATIVITY RANGE!  Maybe next week it can be a goal!

Used this week -5.25 Used this month -5.25 Used this year -22
Bought this week 0 Bought this month 0 Bought this year 28
Plus or minus -5.25 Plus or minus -5.25 Plus or minus 6


  1. I just checked my stash report and I am at -4.5! Yeah! All of those little UFO baby quilts are helping a lot!


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