Friday, February 19, 2016

Off the Wall Friday

My life has been un-inspired lately.  I have been concentrating on, well, not much.   But I was at my Fiber Group on Wednesday night and complained of the same thing.  Several others said the same thing, ennui seems to be everywhere in the artsy world down here.

As luck would have it, the next word on our theme list is "inspiration".  

At the meeting, they always inspire me!

 Judy suggested I scan my zen doodle piece and create fabric with it.  (Why don't I think of these things myself??)  So I did just that.

And now I have my next month's project to work on!

Hey, Nina-Marie, I am sending everyone your way to see what everyone else has thought of before me too!

Click here  Off the Wall! 

Nina-Marie used a photo from the Wizard of Oz.  A great movie.  In fact, my mother named me after the Glenda, Good Witch. 

Then she persecuted me all my life for having stringy thin straight hair and hating pink fluffy dresses. 

Ah, sorry mom! 


  1. And we all know which one your mother in law named you after – LOL!
    Glad you are using the doodle because it is really good - can't wait to see what you do with it

  2. My mother's stringy, thin, limp strands only got worse as it turned gray, so I have lots to look forward to as I age.
    Your fabric came out really nice. I can see the quilting mimicking the drawing around the piece. Recreating the details may be a bit difficult, however, but fun!

  3. Splendid idea! I look forward to seeing your art fabric in your future projects.


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