Tuesday, September 26, 2017

In the Interest of Full Disclosure

I the interest of full disclosure I have the following numbers:

(I think, according to the sidebar anyway)

4 that need binding
8 that need quilting then binding

.....and now a Red/White/Blue quilt for Cousin Karen that will need to  be finished to a top and then a backing found and quilting done and binding......whew!


Alll the others on the sidebar list that need finishing in some way or other.

And you know what?  I have not done a thing in the sewing room yesterday or today.  Not a thing.

I have been dealing with CAAWS, Frank, and finding where they keep the blizzards at Dairy Queen.

Today, for example, I researched/priced/negotiated/and ordered a cage bank for the Cat Room.  This will clean up a trashy corner of their Cat Room and help them look more professional and adoptable when visitors come to look at cats.

The pictures are pre-construction and during construction.  yes, I had two construction sites i was managing at one time!  Can you say "bang your head on the wall"?

Our cats roam free in the room, but when fosters bring the off site cats in for Adoption Day they need to be separated from the territorial in house herd.  Cats can be pretty snarky with the occasional short term cat visitor and we don't need that display.

They need to look cute and cuddly, not mean and frightening!

Speaking of the twins...........


  1. Wish I could help with that binding! But my free time is coming to an end soon.

  2. I sat down and figured out where I was with my UFO list. I have made some decent progress this years despite spending 5 months on the R.E.M. quilt. I know what it feel like dealing with construction - I do it every day with my job! The contractor has messed up a couple of big items that will have to be either fixed or torn out and redone.

  3. Guess I miss where you have cats in the rescue too. Should have known that...duh!!! I think you need another two or three projects!


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