Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Patty the Quilt Lady has been using up her pinks.  I decided I needed to make a couple of quilts for my nephew's kids.  A boy and a girl.  Yes, I decided on pink.

So I cut some strips with the idea of making a herringbone, but at the last minute I decided I would just lay it out in squares since I didn't have large pieces.  I ended up pulling fabric from my stash, which is fine, I need to use it all anyway, right?

I am working on piecing the back together and pulling some larger pieces.  I had to stop and wait for a new iron.

The iron I bought 3 years ago on QVC was leaking.  The leak has been growing in intensity and yesterday afternoon it was almost coming out as fast as I was adding it in!  So we went to Walmart to snag a new one. 

Today I found that I hate the iron we bought.  It has an auto turn off, you can't find one that doesn't these days.   But the temp control jump to the lowest setting.  Which meant that I had to click the button 6 times to get it back up to the cotton setting. 

No way am I doing that for the rest of my life.  I should never have let Frank choose it, even though I told him I wanted to make sure we got one with a dial rather than the electric grid.  He went for the cheapest one.......$24.95.

Can you iron?


  1. The price of an iron with decent features seems so have more than doubled in the last 10 years and reliability has dropped. 3 years each on the last 2 irons and we are now in the midst of having a dry iron and a steam iron as separate choices since trying to get a steam iron completely dry so there is nothing to spew on a dry iron choice.

  2. Why can't someone make an iron with a remote or better yet a smart iron that you can wake up out of auto shut off with your voice.

  3. I think irons are the most frustrating aspect of quilt making! I have bought Black and Decker digital advantage irons for my last two. They do have auto shut off which I hate, but when you go to push the button to wake the iron back up, it stays on the setting you had it on. I have had my current one for almost two years and the steam is not the greatest anymore, but it still works and does not leak. They are not expensive - around $35.00.

  4. I had splurged and bought one of those Oslo irons. Do not waste your money. After a year the legs begin to malfunction. They suddenly pop out in the middle of ironing something and will not retract. The crazy thing is it happened to me on one iron and I made the mistake of buying another thinking I must have had a lemon. Nope the second one started doing it after a year. I now lock out the legs so they will not work and just use it like a normal iron. Every once in a while the legs will still pop out which is super annoying. I am sure one of these days it will irritate me enough that I will throw it out and buy a 'cheap' iron. But for now I paid way to much money to just get rid of it while it still heats.


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