Friday, April 6, 2018

Mom Hires a Hit Man

I am going to kill him.

I have hired a hit man.

I am going have him killed.

This is so totally the last straw.


  1. Since you legally purchased it, just trace enough to get it to the length you need and add it to what he didn't mangle. Please explain hit men to him so this doesn't happen again. Like all bad kids he is testing his limits to get your attention, so you will have to be specific and name all the 10,000 items in the house he can't chew/eat. Any unnamed items are of course living in open season netherworld.

  2. Who left it where he could get to it?

  3. Lmao, though NOT FUNNY! Hope you can recover this.

  4. I'm with stitchinpenny all the way.


  5. Noooooooooo!!,! Not the panto!!!!

  6. Ahh--sweet doggie did not do that!!!
    Better look at hubby or any guests that came by--they might of been hungry or bored--but that sweet doggie face did not do that!!!!
    enjoy, di

  7. It seems we are all traitors and siding with McGee. He looks like an angel in the photo.

  8. OMG...that face! Surely that isn't the face of a destructive animal!

  9. Frank! Where's the tape?!!! I hope you can save this.

  10. Yup, I have one too. He's a Min Pin. I call him a devil dog. He can be so sweet, but if he gets mad, he can destruct a back hall faster than a tornado. Please send me the number of your hitman, lol.
    xx, Carol


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