Friday, April 27, 2018

The Birthday Boy

Yesterday I ran errands. And ran errands.  And ran errands.  Seemed like I had an endless list.  And the list kept growing because I couldn't find the the helium tank to blow up all the balloons for the party.

Yes, the  baby is turning one today.  His party is this weekend.  I snuck him out of day care later and Frank and I had our own shebang with him this afternoon.

We let him rip into some tissue paper wrapped toys and throw them around the living room to his heart's content!

Then last night we brought him back home and had dinner with his parents and brought his new birthday present of Star Wars luggage and Disney T-Shirts for him to wear when we take him on his first trip to Disney World with us! 

We traveled across the South and West with Carrie starting her when she could walk.  I am sure we can fit a few trips to some fun places like the mountains or a theme park or two for a kid with a big mouse on his t-shirt.

What a retirement we have planned for this little guy.  Dinosaur digs, museums, Indian reservations out west sprinkled with trees and mountains and snow and cruises.

I can't wait!


  1. So exciting to hear all this -- congratulations on the first birthday celebrations!

  2. Oh, happy birthday! It goes so fast, doesn't it? Grnadkids are the best!

  3. Happy birthday to Sawyer! He is one lucky boy to have g-parents that will take him on some fabulous adventures!


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