Saturday, July 28, 2018

Kaleidascope of Quilts Show 2018

Frank got up early and headed down to New Orleans to a funeral with Tami.  I stayed with the dogs and I had the quilt hanging this morning.

Jim Chandler was one of the first mentors I was privileged to work with in Toastmasters International.  I worked with the organization for 22 years.  I can honestly say, the day I joined Toastmasters was the day my life changed.  It was the first time anyone had ever given me their full attention when I spoke.  even though I only spoke for a minute, I had never had someone do nothing but listen to me.

So he and Tami headed to New Orleans to pay their respects.  I helped hang quilts.

Don't you love seeing quilt hanging?  It just makes ordinary quilts look spectacular. Not that I am saying these quilts are ordinary by any stretch, but hanging makes them better no matter what.

Here are some photos from the day.

And you  can see my Daily Bird quilt being hung behind the circulation desk up in the front of the library!

The library had the mechanical lift available this year for the first time in 8 years.  Boy did it make hanging the quilts easier!  Took half the time!

 Keep looking!


 Not my elephants!  This one was done by Birdie.

I keep getting signs that look like llama quilts telling me to make my llama quilts.

That is Frank helping to hang the photos of the women service members.  We have quite a large number of women service members in our quilds.  This Sassi Stripper Guild is big into doing Quilts of Valor for the local VA Home and the various vets nearby.  

Proud to serve!


  1. So many cool quilts!! But I am thinking I need to stitch a jacket. I loved seeing all the pictures you shared. Thanks!
    xx, Carol

  2. What a marvelous display --- terrific quilts (especially those birds!!) and I'll bet that mechanical lift gets rave reviews from everyone involved!

  3. Beautiful. The variety of quilts is amazing and I bet the lift cut your time in half. Thanks for honoring veterans in any way possible.

  4. What a nice show!!!! Great pieces!

  5. I'm sorry to hear of your friend's passing.
    The quilts look great. Enjoy the show.

  6. The quilts look so nice all hung up.
    I am sorry about your friend passing away.


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