Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Fan - The Mary Jane Version

Like all things in my life, this is complicated.  It would seem that anyone could just walk out and get a fan ordered from a company that makes a living delivering fans to people, right?
Except if you are me.

Right?  There has to be a story to it, I guess.

So last night I was pretty sure no Super Special FedEx Truck was going to come and Special Deliver a Fan to my doorstep when WHAT DO YOU KNOW a Super Special FedEx Truck came to my doorstep and delivered a fan.

It came at a pivotal moment in my life.  I was deciding whether to leave.

Not Frank, although he has his moments, but the house and go get Popeye's Fried Chicken or eat a 300 calorie meal already in my freezer with a nice salad from the tomatoes that needed to be eaten on my counter top.

So we put the box in the bedroom and closed the doggy gate because McGee had already started chewing on the corners of the box.  He loves to eat cardboard boxes.

This morning I opened the box to check I had the correct fan before Frank called Hunter and got the installation all rolling.  Good thing too!

It was not correct.  Tommy flubbed up again!

In fact I think that you are on to something Patty, EVERYONE in California must be on the stuff, from the ad people on down to Tommy.

Turns out the catalog page is wrong.  But that took some convincing this person.

I clearly wanted Fan B.  So I ordered the fan by numbers under the B section in the description.

But that applies to the fan on the right, the straight blade fan.  Too normal for me!  LOL

And the fan that I wan is actually C the Sleuth Fan but it has no order number under it.  As you can plainly see there.

So the ad layout and proofreading staff all must be smokin' it too!

I can't wait for Louisiana to legalize whatever they have in California.  If they can drive to work all normal, then be just laissez faire when they get there, that is where I want to be.

Quiltin' in the Mary Jane Zone!  Quiltin' Mary Jane Style!  Quiltin' with Mary Jane!

I figure if I stick to modern quilting and fiber arts, no one will notice a thing!  Right?

And since you are probably dying to know what I ate for dinner, it was the 300 calorie meal.


  1. You are a hoot! And only you can find the humor is situations that drive others to go get the Popeye meal instead of the 300 calorie meal!

  2. Maybe you can quilt some mary jane into your quilt. You are too funny. BTW I guessed the 300 calorie dinner since you worked so hard to lose weight,

  3. Who knew it could be so hard to buy a fan! I can't believe how messed up that ad is. So are you going to send it back and try someplace else? Quiltin' with Mary Jane - that would be a great name for a new quilting show on PBS! LOL!!! Just be careful with the rotary cutter!

  4. So are we waiting for super special FedEx truck number two? See why I didn’t want that super special FedEx truck? Did I tell you the thieves are now in custody? Oh what adventures we have!!

  5. I can only hope they Super FedEx #3 truck driver has NOT discovered MJ! The delivery might just come IN your door. Dogs LOVE MJ. Maybe yours sniffed it out on that box. Didja ever think of THAT??
    xx, Carol


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