Saturday, January 26, 2019

Fiber Art

I have two meetings this weekend.  One is SAQA and the other CFAL. Let’s see how smart I am to get the initials right.

SAQA is Studio Art Quilters Associates


CFAL is Contemporary Fiber Artists of Louisiana. 


Both are very exciting groups with amazingly talented people who really do push me to create better art.  For the SAQA meeting tomorrow we are requested to bring one piece that shows your creativity. I am torn

I want to bring my 100 Meters Gold quilt. Original was by Bernadette Mayr but she writes patterns and books in German and she said, “just Improv your pool and you can do it!”

And that I did.  I love it.  

Another thing I can bring is my One Road, but that is not really exciting like the pool is.  

Or maybe something simple like my portrait of Frank looking out over the ocean.

Or if we are talking unfinished, my
My House.

Or just some paint prints I made on the gelli plate last week ....

I can bring them all, hide them in the car, and Sneak them in one at a time!

Decisions, decisions, decisions!

None of these photos are on the iPad in my bed, so you have to dream until tomorrow when I ,are my decision!


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